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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fascism, or state/cult controlled Communalism

What does it mean ?

by StFerdIII

 Big brains make the following completely ridiculous and mendacious claims [which is why they are so clever]:

-'Fascism' is 'right-wing' because their school text book and a teacher who knows little said so.

-Hitler was a Christian.

-Communism is the opposite of Fascism.

-Fascism is a market-economy and built around 'capitalism'.

The polar opposite position and reality applies in every case, again making a mockery out of what they teach the kiddies at school. Fascism is communalism and means state ownership, via a cult organization, of every single aspect of the political-economy and the destruction of the individual, his natural law rights, and his freedoms. That is what Fascism entails. It is the wrapping of sticks around the 2 headed axe as displayed by the Fasces of the Roman Empire, its emblem of state power triumphant over the individual. You belonged to Rome and Rome ruled you. Period.

With a Fascist or Communalist state there is no 'market', no freedoms, no free-speech nor any economic transaction which is not directly or indirectly controlled by the cult of the state. The Umma uber alles. Fascism and Communism are the same in intent, purpose and implementation. There is little difference in how they operate. There are of course variances in national Fascism and theology due to differences in national conditions, national cultures and existing institutional organizations. The Fascists in Russia, named the Communists, destroyed the existing order and built on the bodies of some 10 million dead; a new-world order of governmental diktat and control. The Nazis simply built a parallel state which took over the normative state and imposed the Nazi Fascism on each and every person and upon each and every private, public, social, political, economic and educational action and transaction in Germany. See the Hitler youth for more information.

The big brains also mix up Christianity with Islam. Hitler was of course a great admirer of Islam – Nazism and Islam share much in common including racist Jew-hate. The Nazi cult detested Christianity, killed hundreds of priests and bishops and marginalized all Christian sects. In effect they pulled down 1200 years of Christian development within Germany. Churches were after all, power centers of opposition to the Nazi cult and its naturalist-racist-evolutionist-Marxist theology. In Russia the same process occurred, with thousands of priests killed or sent to the gulags, and literally hundreds of churches some 1000 years old converted to Communist play-pens, or public palaces of entertainment.

Both Stalin and Hitler were not only inspired by Darwinian evolution, they took that insipid cult doctrine and extended it to its logical societal conclusion and created a racist, supremacist, communalist or Fascist system of totalitarianism. Read Mein Kampf and read Stalin's writings on Lenin's epistles. Most of the 'stage theories' they pen come right out Darwinian thought and extend the 'phase theory' of history, so in vogue in the 19th century to its logical end point.

The subtitle of Darwin's racialist, unscientific tome was of course about race and why some races [the White] were superior. Charlie was a racist. So too were Stalin and Hitler. For Fascists and other Marxists, Darwin's irrational and human-hating theology provided [an illiterate] 'pseudo-scientific' justification for racialism, Nietzschean 'supermen', and 'might makes right'. Since the human is an evolved sponge we the State, we the Cult, need to control, educate and 'shape' said organism. Will to power, means the will to create a Utopia of perfect little men. In essence what develops is the organization of the ape. The socialized ape with the biggest club has a 'competitive advantage' and is therefore the 'fittest' since he can club to death his competitors. The state wields the biggest club. The more Fascist or Socialized a state is, the greater the power of the cult and its club. It – the collective – can beat into ruin any center of opposition because it has the largest ape-club. The family, marriage, markets, choice, freedom, free-speech, assembly rights, the church – all should be clubbed by the ape-state since they are not 'communalist' enough.

Modern society tends to Fascism or in the parlance of the elite 'progressivism'. Statism or ever-expanding government and totalitarian control, is the end objective of the progressives [regressives], or Liberals [illiberals] who are of course Marxists or Communists. Hitler was a Marxist, and his party 'The German Workers Party' or Nazi in short, was a Marxist-Socialist club of losers, illiterates, thugs and mercenaries – at least in the beginning. Stalin was much inspired by Hitler, as Hitler had been by Mussolini – another socialist whose newspaper and early political organization was openly and resolutely 'red' and Communist. Yet Marxist 'professors' rewrite history so that Mussolini or Hitler were primitive bible-quoting Christians, wedded to free-markets, and racist evangelical-Capitalists who worshipped Adam Smith. This is just stupid. Yet this is what they teach the kiddies.

Fascism is simply the execution of Socialism, via a cult, using the unbridled, and to use Obama's favourite word, unfettered force of state power. It is pagan, irrational, immoral and murderously intolerant, and usually racist or at least supremacist. It picks its enemies within and without, and targets them for destruction. It is the opposite of capital formation, markets, Christianity, ethics, civilisation and progress. As with Darwinian nonsense, Fascism truly is the explication, organization and expression of the ape-man. It mutates to adapt to local culture and takes various forms which are all socialist and communalist. It is of course the main trend of the world political-economy today. Who says anyone learns from history?


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