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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Gamma Ray Bursts and bursting the bubble of the Copernican principle

Gamma rays and their isotropic distribution when viewed from the Earth invalidate the 'Copernican Principle'.

by StFerdIII





This substack has outlined in many posts why the Big Bang theology is broken and discredited.  This short post discusses ‘Gamma ray’ bursts, a phenomenon which by itself negates the Copernican principle which states that this planet and its human occupants are of no importance in the vastness of the universe and that random chance and luck are the only verities.  Curiously the ‘gamma ray burst’ effect is rarely discussed within the Church of ‘The Science’.  It is simply ignored. 

We will take as our premise and starting point a book written by Copernican astrophysicist Jonathan Katz, The Biggest Bangs: The Mystery of Gamma-Ray Bursts, The Most Violent Explosions in the Universe, 2002.  Surprisingly Katz has a chapter entitled The Copernican Dilemma, a scientific exploration of the key philosophical principle which informs all of modern cosmology

Katz’s studies have found that, when all the known gamma-ray bursts are calculated and catalogued, they show Earth to be in the center of the universe

Katz’s work has stood the test of time, yet as a devoted Copernican-Einsteinian he could never bring himself to recognize what is for him and his religion, the god-awful truth that the Copernican principle, the Big Bang, and Einsteinian relativity are science fictions.  Many posts on this substack have provided scientific proof as to why that last sentence is factual if entirely upsetting and disconcerting.

Rays of Gammas

What are gamma rays?  According to Katz’s glossary, a Gamma ray is “an electromagnetic radiation whose photons have energies greater than about 100,000 eV. Sometimes lower-energy photons (often as low as 10,000 eV) are also called gamma rays, overlapping the definition of X rays...” 

A gamma ray is in essence a form of electro-magnetic radiation, generated by radioactive nuclei, with a short-wave, typically shorter than an x-ray, and possessed of high energy.  This ‘ray’ is a form of electro-magnetic wave radiation found in space, along with other radiation forms including alpha, beta and neutrino or neutron radiation. Radiation in space is at least 15 times more powerful than radiation found on the Earth and it is one reason out of many, why UFOs and space travel are impossible.  All spacecraft would need to be coated in feet of lead and no carbon based life form would long last the travails of endless radiation, not to mention cosmic flares and other apocalyptic events in space including Gamma Ray Bursts.

Hulk Smash

However, pace our ‘modern culture’, gamma rays are rendered agents of change – mostly as a support for Darwin’s religion.  According to the non-science pop-culture, these high energy bursts of radiation can turn a man into the Incredible Hulk, or a lizard.  In reality a gamma ray burst (GRB) would destroy your DNA and kill you and all of life on this planet.  GRB’s contain massive amounts of energy, equivalent to 1045 watts of energy, which is over a million trillion times more powerful than the Sun.  Ouchy.

GRB’s in space occur at the rate of about one per day, but are fast-fading and random, never occurring in the same place twice.  During the faked July 1969 Apollo moon mission, not only would the daily GRBs have decimated the crew, but solar flares and cosmic flares, which occurred during that period of time would have annihilated the spacecraft. For example in 1979, much to the chagrin of Bangers, an extraordinarily powerful super GRB emanated from the Large Magellenic Cloud, which is a satellite of the Milky Way and very close to Earth. It would have destroyed everything in its path. Many similar observations have been recorded.

Banging empty pots

In the context of cosmological theology Katz explains why GRBs are important.

The uniform distribution of burst arrival directions tells us that the distribution of gamma-ray-burst sources in space is a sphere or spherical shellwith us at the center (some other extremely contrived and implausible distributions are also possible). But Copernicus taught us that we are not in a special preferred position in the universe; Earth is not at the center of the solar system, the Sun is not at the center of the galaxy, and so forth. There is no reason to believe we are at the center of the distribution of gamma-ray bursts. If our instruments are sensitive enough to detect bursts at the edge of the spatial distribution, then they should not be isotropic on the sky, contrary to observation; if our instruments are less sensitive, then the N ∝ S-3/2 law should hold, also contrary to observationThat is the Copernican dilemma.” (Katz, pp. 90-91)

These facts have been known for some 30-50 years but are rarely discussed or emphasized.  The entire theology of the Big Bang or its competitor the Steady State theory, once championed by Einstein who created his fraudulent constant to make his equations balance, both pronounce with few exceptions, that the universe is both isotropic and homogeneous.  Yet all the evidence from their own observations, known since the 1960s in fact, prove that the universe is not isotropic unless viewed from the Earth, and it is not homogenous. 

Copernican apostle Edwin Hubble, whose astronomical discoveries were heralded as proof of the Big Bang and an expanding universe, laid a foundational gospel within the Big Bang Religion that must be followed:

There must be no favoured location in the universeno center, no boundary; all must see the universe alike. And, in order to ensure this situation, the cosmologist postulates spatial isotropy and spatial homogeneity, which is his way of stating that the universe must be pretty much alike everywhere and in all directions.” (Edwin Hubble, The Observational Approach to Cosmology, p. 54).

Modern cosmology is fully supportive of the Hubble gospel revelation.  Logically however, if the universe is not isotropic, or if it is not homogeneous, the Copernican principle, and even the Copernican theory is disproved.  If the universe is isotropic but inhomogeneous the same applies.  If the Earth is isotropic but not homogenous it means that from an isotropic center the universe will appear the same in all directions, but the universe will appear different when not observed from the center.  Either way, the Big Bang is debunked.

To define the terms:

Isotropic refers to an environment that looks the same in all directionsexcluding the observer’s location. For example, if an observer is perched on top of a symmetrical sand hill in the middle of a flat desert, as he looks around the whole circumference of his view, he sees the same grade of hill approaching him, as well as a vast flat desert in all directions.

Homogeneous refers to an environment that appears the same in all locations, but also includes the observer’s location. In this case, the observer is not seated on a sand hill but on the flat desert itself, and as he looks out he sees a flat desert in all directions, including his seated position.

Katz’s catch-22

In his studies Katz admits that the universe’s gamma-ray bursts appear to be isotropic, or the same in all directions from Earth but not homogenous. 

“To this day, after the detection of several thousand bursts, and despite earnest efforts to show the contrary, no deviation from a uniform random distribution (isotropy) in the directions of gamma-ray bursts on the sky has ever been convincingly demonstrated” (Jonathan I. Katz, The Biggest Bangs: p. 84).

Viewed from the center there is isotropy but the view from outside the center is as Katz admits, inhomogeneity.  As Katz goes on to explain, the “Copernican dilemma” for astronomers is that they are required to explain why there are no faint gamma-ray bursts, since, according to the Big Bang theory, the universe is 13.7 billion years old and expansive.  If so, then more distant bursts should register more faintly when compared to closer bursts.  This is not observed.

More here

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