Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
This is a short overview of Relativity.
Who created ‘Relativity’? What was the motivation? How was it was arrived at? Why is Einstein given all the credit when his role was so minor?
These are questions that are rarely answered and are not found in most textbooks or histories of the topic. There is a reason for that. There is something to hide.
Relativity is a conceptual ‘macro’ theory of the universe and cosmology. It is the reigning paradigmatic world view of physics. Using only naturalistic observations and mathematics, Relativity attempts to explain space, time, the motions of objects, planets, the beginning and current functioning of our universe, and how Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations can be aligned with and improve Newtonian physics based on gravity and attraction.
Relativity offers a unified view of macro-physics, albeit an incorrect one.
In outlining a brief history of Relativity many personalities and details are omitted due to length. The purpose is to dispose of the myth that Einstein, through his own ‘genius’, alone, unaided, bearing the torch of reason and hope for all of mankind, toiled until he poured out his own blood in the form of ‘Relativity’ for our scientific and intellectual salvation.
No part of this Einstein myth is true. He was no saint. He was a philosopher, not a physicist. Unjustly affixed to his name, Relativity has so many issues that a society which truly embraced reason and real science, would long ago have discarded it. But here we are, burdened by its distortions. More here